Anna Topkova

Anna, originally from the Czech Republic, didn’t always know she wanted to be a midwife. However, when she discovered the depth and meaning of this profession, she couldn’t imagine herself in any other field. Her passion for supporting women in their empowerment during pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood led her to fully commit to this vocation.

She began her career in a small hospital in the Czech Republic, where she enjoyed her work. Over time, she began to yearn for a practice that focused on the desires and needs of mothers, rather than strictly adhering to hospital rules. This is when she embarked on a quest to find a team that shared her vision and approach.

Ultimately, she found what she was looking for here in Playa del Carmen as part of the Salud Primal team, serving as a midwife. Now, she is a member of a group dedicated to humanized care and respecting mothers’ choices, where she can pursue her passion for providing support to women during one of the most significant stages of their lives.


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