Lactation Consultant

Salud Primal


Mothers who have enjoyed the joy of breastfeeding tend to feel motivated to share their experiences. Nevertheless, first time mothers do need a little bit of help to get things going. At Salud Primal we acknowladge this important need and support and therefore work on behalf of those who are convinced to commit themselves to the convenience of breastfeeding.

A breastfed child establishes a close affectionate relationship with the mother and this connection manifests in a feeling of self-worth that contributes to mother´s emotional balance.

Breastfeeding is a natural phenomenon, yet mothers do need information and adequate support in order it to be successful. The fact that our previous generations were not breastfeeding generates a situation where mothers no longer pass this knowledge on to their daughters. This in turn gives rise to insecurity, doubts and contradicting myths.


What are the benefits?

For the mother there are benefits in reducing the risk of
👉 Protective effect against emotional disorders
👉 Reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes
👉 Reduces the risk of ovarian cancer
👉 Reduces the risk of breast cancer
👉 Contributes to faster weight loss after birth
For the newborn there are benefits in reducing the risk of
👉 Reduces neonatal morbidity and mortality
👉 Protects against Acute Otitis Media
👉 Protects against nonspecific gastroenteritis
👉 Reduces the probability of suffering from obesity
👉 Reduces the risk of type 1 and 2 diabetes
👉 Reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome

We offer you consultations before, during and immediately after birth with the aim to guarantee a successful breastfeeding experience. In addition, we also offer support mothers who wish to restart breastfeeding because they had to stop for some reason or they are adopting a child. Remember that mother´s milk is the first experience of love in the family. Recordemos que la lactancia materna es la primera experiencia de amor en la familia.

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