Water Birth

Credentialed by Waterbirth International.

Giving birth in water is another option to consider when preparing for birth. What is more, water birth also forms a part of a non-interventionist philosophy. It is a beautiful and respectful way of birthing and being born and is practiced in many countries like: Australia, Austria, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Norway, Switzerland, Sweden, Holland, the UK, Israel, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Ecuador among many others.

Water Birth

What are the benefits?

Woman feels relief for the gravity is not pulling her downwards.
En el agua se libera la fuerza de gravedad.
The body is less prone to send out stress-related hormones such as noradrenaline and catecholamines in water and therefore the liberation of oxytocin is made easier.
Water reduces blood pressure.
Provides analgesic effect.
Softens perineal tissues and reduces tears and the need for episiotomy
If birth is gentle and easy for mother it is so for baby as well .
When a labouring woman has “comforts” such as water at her disposal she is more able to turn inwards and flow smoothly through the process of birth.

Mother chooses the position

It is recommended to get into the water in the active phase the cervix dilated to at least 5 cm. The relaxing effect of the water may slow labor when entering too early. Nonetheless, it is the mother who decides when the time is right.

The first moments

Baby born in water continues receiving oxygen from her mother through the umbilical cord after birth, it is similar to the environment that a baby born within an intact amniotic sac has.

A shorter birth

Water labor compared to other positions and options of birthing has shown to shorten the first phases of labor, reduces the rate of episiotomy and the use of obstetric analgesia. Giving birth in water by following all the recommendations and instructions is a healthy and safe choice both for mother as well as for baby.

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