The birth of Hari

The birth of Hari
My experience of Childbirth with Salud Primal.



I turned 36 weeks and we had to go to sign the Birth Plan with the professional who had carried my pregnancy from the beginning. Me and  my husband were very excited, we had thought about the plan for months. Surprise me! We were about to sign and start to talk about our birth plan,  they told us that they could not commit to our birth plan, the way we intended. As expected, we did not accept and we were forced to find another site.I stayed awake without being able to sleep, since I was 36 weeks old and my baby could come at any time.

The next day by a miracle a neighbor wrote to me talking about Salud Primal. I contacted them and the next day I already had my first interview to review our Birth Plan.Dr. Stefania attended us, we felt very good, there was a beautiful connection and we didn’t think about it anymore. All of our dreams of having a mystical birth at home would be done with them. We made an appointment for the express preparation course for birth, with Mailén, a very nice experience, I highly recommend it. It brought us a lot of peace and quiet.

On the morning of December 13, I started labor. Dr Misael was the first to check my dilatation. They immediately made a group chat on WhatsApp to share news with them. After a while the whole team arrived at my house. My husband supported me at all times (he is an emotional therapist and well, I wanted him to guide my path with the tools we had planned), Stefania and Mailén were 100% aware of both Baby’s heartbeat and support so that everything flowed .The truth is that you just had to wait. At midnight they set up the pool and it was wonderful since the hot water calmed me down a lot. Our baby Hari was born in the early morning of December 14, with a respected birth and with much love.

Thank you very much for all that day and for the postpartum follow-up. Being aware of Hari the first few days was valuable, as new parents we appreciate that. I hope that all the moms in  Playa can live this beautiful experience with Salud Primal.



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